Category: Relation SHIFT Blog


The Healing Community Podcast: The Power of Inner Work (Interview by Debra Lightheart)

One of the ways to amplify your spiritual progress is by doing Inner Work. What is Inner Work? Why is is necessary? How do you begin? Markus will discuss some of the most powerful and effective approaches to optimize your spiritual progress and transform every relationship from the inside out and completely change your life.

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Maximize Your Manifestation

Almost everyone begins their journey into manifestation by focusing on the popular relationship between awareness and abundance.  In the self-help community, these concepts are usually touted as foundational pillars that empower your ability to manifest. But the oversimplification and the misunderstanding of these ideas is one of the biggest pitfalls that derails the development of…

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What Are You Waiting For?

Many people exist in an unconscious, disempowered fog of passive expectation –Waiting for the ideal relationship, the right moment, a divine inspiration, somebody else to

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The Spiritual Necessity of Being Uncomfortable

The visionary human endeavor to build a more evolved society through innovation, progress and growth has also birthed an unfortunate, rampant obsession that keeps the modern world engrossed in a profound state of addiction. It’s this shadow side of cultural progress that blindly worships this unquenchable desire to maintain, enhance and exceed its ongoing experience…

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Empowering a Deeper Self-Love

An honest and courageous investigation from a truly holistic perspective into the core of Self-Love is often misrepresented, misunderstood and difficult to navigate without clarity.

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