Check out the personal testimonials from people
who have worked with Markus

Chris Kann
CEO of CSK Marketing,
Career & Business Coach
Director of the Mind, Body Spirit
It is hard to recognize the person I was before coaching with Markus…
I have attended nearly every speaking engagement and talk that Markus has done for over 10 years, and his events remain a “must attend” on my schedule. His remarkable understanding of the dynamics of emotions, relationships and human potential make the insights he shares invaluable to those seeking to bring more fulfillment and joy to their lives. I consider myself a “tough customer” as an audience member, and Markus always impresses with his willingness to share his vast knowledge. He has spoiled me in my expectations, and I have found few speakers meet the standard he has set.
Markus is a life and relationship coach unlike any other you will meet. His intuitive and experience-based understanding of life transformation makes working with him direct and efficient, with profound results. It is hard to recognize the person I was before coaching with Markus, and I could not be more grateful to have had the opportunity to experience his gifts.
For those seeking real change, and a clear understanding of the path to their potential, working with Markus is the best choice you can make.

Sammy Rangal
CEO, Author, Coach,
TEDX Speaker
Founder of Formers Anonymous
Taking this personal journey of awareness with Markus has helped me to see even deeper into myself and into the others that I serve...
“You cannot cage parts of yourself up in order to find freedom.” — Markus Kasunich
Accepting the fact that I have actually changed what many have said could never be changed but only lived with, was the most elusive part of my journey until I met Markus. How many times had I felt failure because I “felt or thought” certain even though I never allowed myself to act on it?
I thought I had to keep the parts of me that once were out of control in a cage to keep others and myself safe. The difference between freedom and living in a cage is the amount of trust you have in your potential. Now, I am mindful of the energy that either causes me to contract or to expand in my life and all the people, places and things that come with it.
Taking this personal journey of awareness with Markus has helped me to see even deeper into myself and into the others that I serve. It allows me to help them to free themselves from limiting beliefs and feelings so they can experience the loving nature of an expanding universe opening itself to receive them and me. I am more willing to feel deserving and trusting with myself.
Thank you, Markus. For helping me to set parts of myself free that no longer need to be caged.

Maura Rampolla
Certified Executive Coach,
Entrepreneur, Philanthropist
Co-Founder ZICO
Coconut Water
He has been instrumental in my personal growth as a professional coach, an artist and as a human being...
Markus is a joy to work with! I have been working with Markus for several years now and he has been instrumental in my personal growth as a professional coach, an artist and as a human being.
He is especially skilled in coaching around trauma and relationships. My self awareness has grown and I am much more aware of my patterns and how they impact my thought process and personal relationships.
I attended one of his 3- day retreats that was incredibly healing and empowering during a very difficult time in my life. I would absolutely attend another whenever possible.

Dr. Denise Brachmann
Adult and Child Psychiatrist
Working with Markus has provided tremendous benefits beyond my expectations...
I have spent over 30 years professionally working with clients in the field of psychiatry, psychology and self-improvement. But working with Markus has provided tremendous benefits beyond my expectations. For me personally, He helped me to develop a deeper understanding of my inner conditioning to navigate my spiritual emergence with balance and awareness.
His monthly webcasts, courses and events are educational and rich with value. In our coaching he continues to offer expert information on interpersonal growth, relationships, (amazing dating advice) and practical life tools that have changed my life.
He provides a down to earth, accessible approach, years of experience, and support for all spiritual faiths. I found him to be highly professional, reliable and follows up with specific recommendations and tools to assist my process.
I highly recommend Markus for anyone who is seeking personal growth, healing from the past trauma, a roadmap to building relationships or persons seeking intuitive and spiritual approach as a compliment to traditional psychotherapy.
He offers genuine support, experience and the necessary tools to transform your life.

Stephen R Burns
Professional Editor, Author, Coach, Consultant
He gives you a new map to a richer life and healthier relationships..
Markus is an excellent teacher. Speaking from experience, if you apply his teaching it will change your life. I know, that seems like an exaggeration. I can only speak from experience.
Once you figure out why you do the things you do, once you dig into your past and confront it, everything changes. Markus teaches you not to confront your past like an enemy, but a respected adversary designed to protect you, if poorly. And then gives you a new map to a richer life and healthier relationships.
I cannot recommend him more highly.

Lianne Cranfield
Holistic Peer Coach, Teacher Founder of Find Your Voice
He knew exactly how to support me to examine and change my inner dynamics...
Working with Markus has led me to major turning points in my life. He knew exactly how to support me to examine and change my inner dynamics. This completely shifted the way I engage with myself, my relationships and the world.
Markus has an uncanny ability to “see” what needed to be examined in my life and supported me with gentle, kind, and intelligent wisdom. He has a gift of compassion, understanding and insight into the mystery of human nature.
And unlike a lot of so-called coaches out there, he totally walks his own talk. An amazing human being and a brilliant coach

Dan Knaub
Sales Professional
Trust me when you do the work with him, everyone around you will be changed along with you...
“I have been together with my girlfriend for 4 years now. She had already begun her journey with Markus before she met me and actually if she hadn’t been working with Markus I can honestly say we wouldn’t have been together now. Her story is just as astonishing as mine.
This is a single example of just one area of my life that has transformed because of the guidance and coaching with Markus. We now have an expansive relationship full of communication and kindness that we work on every day. Markus showed us how to do this and guided us from the very beginning. He gave us real life scenarios to use with and solutions and practical tools that work.
He didn’t just tell us the answers either, he had us work through everything. We had to go inside and work on ourselves each and every day. He coached us for months and we used the resources of the Relation SHIFT Academy as part of that process including the LIVE webcasts. And though we still have miles to go we are not the same people we used to be. We continue to coach with him and continue to grow with each other. I can honestly say because of Markus I am in the healthiest relationship that I have ever been in.
We are engaged to be married which is so huge for me because I swore, I would never get married again. Trust me when you do the work with him, everyone around you will be changed along with you.”

Amy Shiveley
Professional Pharmacist, Wife, Mother
Markus illuminates the path to consciousness, then helps you learn the tools to be able to follow it...
Markus has profoundly affected me in the most positive way. His honest and compassionate guidance has impacted my life in such a way that I wouldn’t have thought possible before meeting him. Through his personal development workshops and retreats, as well as through One-on-One coaching sessions, Markus illuminates the path to consciousness, then helps you learn the tools to be able to follow it.
In my case, this has meant recognizing the ways my conditioning has negatively impacted me throughout my life, and identifying the means to neutralize it and eliminate its power.
I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with such an amazing healer, coach and teacher.
We are engaged to be married which is so huge for me because I swore, I would never get married again. Trust me when you do the work with him, everyone around you will be changed along with you.”

Wendy "Woohoo" Puzti, RN
Poet, Children's Writer, Registered Nurse RN, Owner of EA Properties LLC
He has provided me with the tools to navigate my life and work through the challenges that occur in everyday life and in every relationship...
This has been an extraordinary experience with every single aspect of my life changing. Most of my family has worked with Markus in some capacity including my parents, siblings, children, my close circle of friends and some boyfriends. He has guided me home to the essence of me and to the life I was always meant to live. He has provided me with the tools to navigate my life and work through the challenges that occur in everyday life and in every relationship. I am empowered to do this for me. Wherever I go, and in any situation, I have the confidence to know I’ve got this, and I’ve got me.
Every relationship in my life has ultimately changed as I have transformed my relationship to myself. Each unhealthy relationship has been a beautiful lesson and gift in learning more about myself so I can explore what ultimately is the highest and best for me. Each relationship has transformed into a healthier one, or not one at all, as I choose what is best for me.
He taught me that I hold the power and the key to my life. I have the choice.
Thank you Markus.

Christie Kern
Christie Kern, LAC , MSOM Certified Acupuncturist / Asian Medicine
Markus is generous with his knowledge, experience and skills and does whatever he can to help his clients reach their full potential at the rate in which they are ready....
All areas of my life have changed profoundly since working with Markus Kasunich. I am launching completely new businesses which will honor the treasures I have to share with the world. I restructured my life to honor myself so I have time to do the things I enjoy without being a slave to my business, seeing that I can create more financial abundance through part time professional work and full time self-nurturing.
My mental, emotional and physical health completely turned around. I no longer believe myself to be unworthy of love, health, happiness, wealth, prosperity and strong, supportive relationships. I even know what a healthy relationship can be!
Markus is generous with his knowledge, experience and skills and does whatever he can to help his clients reach their full potential at the rate in which they are ready. I have experienced this for myself and watched many others do so. Not all teachers allow their students to develop at the rate that suits them, but Markus finds the right mix of nudging me out of my comfort zone and keeping me supported and feeling somewhat safe.
Attend the events, webcasts and anything he offers if you want to work with someone who will empower you to change your life.

Heidi Fannin
Author, Wellness Coach Global Wellness Entrepreneur
He has facilitated a deeper connection between my husband and I - actually, in every relationship...
When I worked with Markus, I felt the genuine support and love. Now, I feel it more and more in my regular but magnificent life. Markus validated something I have felt for a long time. I just didn’t trust myself enough to express it.
Markus lives his life with full intention and he taught me how to do the same. He is the example of “being the change you wish to see in the world”. It is so wonderful to be in his presence. He exudes wisdom. He has facilitated a deeper connection between my husband and I – actually, in every relationship. He inspired me to take the leap and create a successful business out of my passion.
I am forever grateful to have this man in my life.

Marcia Buhler
Philanthropist, Entrepreneur
Helping me to recognize and release patterns and thoughts that had been holding me back and preventing me from realizing my true potential...
I have been working with Markus Kasunich individually and attending his lectures, workshops, retreats and events consistently since 2010. Markus has a true gift for gently leading his clients out of their personal comfort zones and helping them see the possibilities ahead if they are willing to let go and trust the process of facing their fears. He has mentored and encouraged me through this process of personal transformation into deeper consciousness, helping me to recognize and release patterns and thoughts that had been holding me back and preventing me from realizing my true potential.
It is not easy – and never comfortable – but Markus provides the guidance, reassurance and humor that make it possible for his clients to progress by leaps and bounds one small step at a time.
As I write this testimonial, I am in the beginning stages of completing an MFA degree that will enable me to pursue my lifelong dream of becoming a writer. With his encouragement, I was able to leave a career that did not feed my soul. I have a much deeper understanding of myself and my needs (as well as my unhealthy patterns) and a clarity about my life’s purpose that I could not have acknowledged before I began working with Markus.