Tag: Emotions


Understanding Your Conscience, Regret and Remorse (54 mins)

Q: I feel deeply regretful for some of the things done in my past. Many of those behaviors I still do, so I have noticed that my feeling of regret still is not enough for me to change. Yet I feel horrible what I have done. What is the difference between regret, remorse, and my conscience. Why even after feeling all this regret, do I still choose the same behaviors?

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The Difference Between Feeling and Presence (22 mins)

Q: You have often said that the entry point to direct experience begins with your emotional, feeling nature. So if this is true, then what is the difference between feeling and presence? Are they not the same thing? I was told recently that I spend most of my time absorbed by my emotional body. Is that not accessing my presence? If not then how do I create deeper access to my presence beyond my human emotions.

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Sharing Your Spiritual Journey with Discernment (20 mins)

Q: How do you handle it when someone says your spiritual journey makes them uncomfortable and asks you not to talk about it? I openly shared my experiences with the last full moon, and I was met with a very unfavorable response. Any suggestions?

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Having an Expansive Relationship with Your Shadow Inner Adult: (Inauthentic Handler) (21 mins)

Q: How do you have compassion for the Inauthentic Handler instead of just getting mad at that aspect of your conditioning.

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The Power of Words (25 mins)

In this engaging Q&A, Markus explores the power and potency of certain phrases and words when they are applied to specific writing techniques, reprogramming your behaviors and patterns, and your internal self-dialogue.

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Breakfast with Bobbi: Healing The Inner Child – The Wounded Inner Child (Part 2 of 2)

In Part TWO of this Two-Part podcast series with Bobbi Klebenow and Kristina Bloom, Special Guest, Markus Kasunich explores the dynamics of the Wounded Inner Child. What is it? Why is this a pivotal aspect of your personal exploration and Spiritual journey? Markus shares the map (from his IRAM book) on how to understand and access this powerful aspect of your inner world which can supercharge your journey and your life.

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Breakfast with Bobbi: Healing The Inner Child – The Radiant Child (Part 1 of 2)

In Part ONE of this Two Part series with Kristina Bloom and Bobbi Klebenow, Special Guest, Markus Kasunich explores the dynamics of Inner Child (The Radiant Inner Child). What is it? What is the difference between the Radiant Inner Child and the Wounded Inner Child? Why is this a pivotal aspect of the your personal exploration and Spiritual journey? Markus shares the map (from his IRAM book) on how to understand and access this powerful aspect of your inner world which can supercharge your journey and your life.

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How to Empower Your 5-D Consciousness Shift (26 mins)

Q: I’ve been hearing and reading more and more about the big Shift in Consciousness in life occurring right now.  Do you see the changes of earth’s vibrations to 5D? I’ve heard there are big changes coming. What are your thoughts on the changes of mother earth and the downfall of life the way it is with the government, our monetary banks, and then also catastrophic events for mother earth to heal and for us to shift into oneness, compassion, and loving all.  What can we do to prepare ourselves for this?  I would love your perspective on this?

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COACHING CASE STUDY: Conscious Dating And Relationship Tips (24 mins)

Q: I want more romance from my partner. Where did it go? I have asked, I am not sure my partner really knows what it is or what to do. In fact, I am not sure I have ever articulated what romance is to me. If I want to ask for more romance, I need to understand what it is. Can you discuss the dynamics of romance, how to create it and how to sustain it?

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COACHING CASE STUDY: Working with your Conditioning (24 mins)

Q: I want more romance from my partner. Where did it go? I have asked, I am not sure my partner really knows what it is or what to do. In fact, I am not sure I have ever articulated what romance is to me. If I want to ask for more romance, I need to understand what it is. Can you discuss the dynamics of romance, how to create it and how to sustain it?

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COACHING CASE STUDY: Getting Lost in the Wound (22 mins)

Q: I have been having a lot of trouble when I get triggered and go into a specific fragment of my Wounded Inner Child. I find myself getting totally consumed by the pain of the wound, I feel sorry for myself, I get lost and I often stuck.  In this discussion we will explore the how activating the Available Adult can help this process.

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Breakfast with Bobbi: “The Shadow Teacher” Posturing, Spiritual Bi-Pass & The Inauthentic Handler

In this potent interview with Kristina Bloom and Bobbi Klebenow, Special guest, Markus Kasunich unravels the dynamics of the Shadow Teacher. What is it? Why is this person so dangerous in the Spiritual Community. Investgigate the pattterns of the SHADOW INNER ADULT: Inauthentic Handler, Spiritual Posturing, Spiritual Bi-pass, accountability, integrity, Mentorship, and the initiation process of ancient Mystery Schools.

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What Motivates a Spiritual Seeker? (60 mins)

Q: What are some of the biggest “Spiritual Motivators” for any seeker on the spiritual path? Is there something notoable that usually inspires people to grow or change? What are the dynamics?

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Breakfast with Bobbi Podcast – On Spiritual Awakening (Hosts: Bobbi Klebenow and Kristina Bloom)

Enjoy this conversation about The Spiritual Journey. Topics include… The process of spiritual awakening, The power and necessity of integration, how a Near Death Experience (NDE) inspires a shift of perception and consciousness, exploring the essence of Shamanism, examining spiritual By-pass, the need for Inner Work… and more

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Unreasonable Expectations of Your Partner

In Intimate relationships we often have unreasonable expectations of our partner. Why? In this discsussion we examine the cultural conditioning of the Nuclear family and the neeed for a mentor, teacher, confidante, spiritual community and friendship outside your relationship.

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How to Awaken Siddhas (Spiritual Gifts) 25 mins

In this Q&A we will explore the process of awakening Siddhas (Spiritual Gifts) and how they relate to your relationship with “reality.” What are they? Where do they come from? Does everyone have access to Spiritual superpowers or are they reserved for those who are gifted? How do I develop them? Are they important to the Spiritual Journey? What is your perspective on this topic?

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