Tag: Expansive / Contractive


GUIDED MEDITATION: Mainfestation Through the Charkas (30 mins)

In this Guided Meditation Markus will walk you through how to activate your full creative power. Execute this powerful meditation technique which combines spinal breathing and powerful kriyas to activate each chakra for your full body creative potential. Music: Morning Light by Michael Wild.

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Connecting to Your Inherent Bliss through the Radiant Child (30 mins)

Q: I’ve found one of my greatest stumbling blocks on this spiritual path is allowing myself joy – experiencing my profound creativity without limiting it. I realize this is due to my conditioning and wonder if you have insights for consistent redirection of focus from tension to flexion, from fear to creative joy.  What can you suggest to more deeply connect to that inner and outer joy.

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COACHING CASE STUDY: Getting Lost in the Wound (22 mins)

Q: I have been having a lot of trouble when I get triggered and go into a specific fragment of my Wounded Inner Child. I find myself getting totally consumed by the pain of the wound, I feel sorry for myself, I get lost and I often stuck.  In this discussion we will explore the how activating the Available Adult can help this process.

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Breakfast with Bobbi: “The Shadow Teacher” Posturing, Spiritual Bi-Pass & The Inauthentic Handler

In this potent interview with Kristina Bloom and Bobbi Klebenow, Special guest, Markus Kasunich unravels the dynamics of the Shadow Teacher. What is it? Why is this person so dangerous in the Spiritual Community. Investgigate the pattterns of the SHADOW INNER ADULT: Inauthentic Handler, Spiritual Posturing, Spiritual Bi-pass, accountability, integrity, Mentorship, and the initiation process of ancient Mystery Schools.

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What Motivates a Spiritual Seeker? (60 mins)

Q: What are some of the biggest “Spiritual Motivators” for any seeker on the spiritual path? Is there something notoable that usually inspires people to grow or change? What are the dynamics?

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Mentorship (the Teacher/Student Relationship) 45 mins

In this dialogue Markus explores Mentorship? Where did the idea of Mentorship come from? Why is this such powerful relationship? Is it really that necessary? What are the dynamics of the teacher/student relationship? What are things to look for in a good Mentor or teacher?

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GUIDED MEDITATION: Synchronizing to Your Creative Power Within (32 Mins)

Enjoy this transformational invitation to relax into a deep meditative alignment with Self. This guided meditation offers you permission to consciously synchronize to your creative potential and wealth of untapped power within as it activates your manifestation abilities as a conscious creator. Music by Michaeal Wild: Dream Journey (32 mins)

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Breakfast with Bobbi Podcast – On Spiritual Awakening (Hosts: Bobbi Klebenow and Kristina Bloom)

Enjoy this conversation about The Spiritual Journey. Topics include… The process of spiritual awakening, The power and necessity of integration, how a Near Death Experience (NDE) inspires a shift of perception and consciousness, exploring the essence of Shamanism, examining spiritual By-pass, the need for Inner Work… and more

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Unreasonable Expectations of Your Partner

In Intimate relationships we often have unreasonable expectations of our partner. Why? In this discsussion we examine the cultural conditioning of the Nuclear family and the neeed for a mentor, teacher, confidante, spiritual community and friendship outside your relationship.

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The Winter Solstice (Honor The Darkness & Celebrate the Light) 40 mins

This powerful discussion examines the dynamics of the Witner Solstice and its effects on the Human Conditon through the rituals and celebrations of the ages. learn how to more deeply honor the end of the cycle and explore the power of honoring the darkness and celebrating the light.

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The Magician: The Power of Discernment (22 mins)

In this discussion we will explore how the quallity of discernent relates to the Archetype of the Magician (masculine)/High Priestess (feminine) and why it is so important on the spiritual path.

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Speaking Your Truth (16 mins)

In this discussion we will examine a common phrase that has become very popular in the Spiritual Community “Speaking Your Truth.” What does it mean to speak your truth? When is it powerful and what are the often overlooked Issues reagrding this idea. We will also examine the difference between “Speaking Your Truth” and “Keeping Your Counsel” and how that relates to your journey.

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The Empty Mind (16 mins)

Q: What does it mean to have an empty mind? Why is this something we woould even what to explore? What signifigance does this have in our inner relationship with self? Do you have any guidance on unerstanding this particular state of being?

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How to Awaken Siddhas (Spiritual Gifts) 25 mins

In this Q&A we will explore the process of awakening Siddhas (Spiritual Gifts) and how they relate to your relationship with “reality.” What are they? Where do they come from? Does everyone have access to Spiritual superpowers or are they reserved for those who are gifted? How do I develop them? Are they important to the Spiritual Journey? What is your perspective on this topic?

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The Two Forms of Self-Intimacy (16 mins)

Q: Can you talk about the dynamics of Self-Intmacy. What is it? How do we explore it? Why is it important for the spiritual journey.

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Harmonic Convergence in Relationships (37 min)

What is Harmonic Convergence? What does this have to do with every relationship you will ever have? Understanding this vibrational reality can change the way you think about yor conenctions with other and how to adpat to your own shifting vibration in relation to the outer world.

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