Markus William Kasunich

Transform Every Relationship from the Inside out.

FREE Access to Powerful Relationship Tools

Get REAL tools to change every relationship in your life!


Keynote Speaker, Coach, Trainer, Facilitator

Markus has facilitated thousands of live and online groups, events, lectures, workshops and retreats. He has been on stages in many different countries around the world (Canada, New Zealand, Australia and across the United States) sharing his powerful story and his message of conscious relationships, inner and outer transformation, healing and personal growth.

A Custom Coaching Program for you

Invest in your journey and change your life

Markus has facilitated more than 30,000 hours of individual, couple, family and group coaching during his over 20 years of practice. These powerful sessions offer a holistic approach for the entire being. He guides you to unlock and experience your unlimited potential in your business, family and personal life.

Subscribe to My Youtube Channel

Watch hundreds of hours of engaging content, lectures, webcasts, Q&As and excerpts from webcasts, coaching and retreats. These videos offer insights and holistic tools that  help to reframe your “relationship to every relationship.” Be able to better understand, empower and navigate all of the dynamics of your inner and outer relationships.

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Most Recent Blogs

Tools for Transformation

COACHING CASE STUDY: Getting Lost in the Wound (22 mins)

Q: I have been having a lot of trouble when I get triggered and go into a specific fragment of my Wounded Inner Child. I find myself getting totally consumed by the pain of the wound, I feel sorry for myself, I get lost and I often stuck.  In this discussion we will explore the how activating the Available Adult can help this process.

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The Danger of Spiritual Posturing

Pay attention to so called “teachers” who need to garner attention and grandstand their spiritual prowess or position at your expense. These tactics are often hard to spot because the unchecked Inauthentic Handler is a Master of Deception. On the surface, they may say all the right things, tell stories to demonstrate and elevate their position or their abilities, know all the right people, and be involved in all the right environments…

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Tools for Transformation

Freedom, Chaos, and Kali on the Spiritual Journey (60 mins) 

What is true freedom? How does this relate to Chaos? This powerful discussion explores the nature of Freedom, Choas, and the transformational powerful of Kali and how you can consciously navigate these expereinces on your journey of self-development.

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Transforming every relationship
from inside out

Kasunich has designed a brilliant, original map for creating self-awareness. His balanced and thoughtful holistic approach to personal development is a much-needed contribution to the field of transpersonal psychology.

For anyone who is interested in changing their relationships and their lives, this is an absolute must read. I highly recommend it.”

Dr. Denise Brachmann MD
(Child and Adult Psychiatrist)

Paperback: $23.95
Kindle: $9.99


FREE Access to Powerful Relationship Tools